Specify installed contracts to external contracts section of locklift config, by providing path to contracts artifacts (.abi.json files, .tvc files etc., most commonly placed in a build folder of smart contracts projects) and contract names array.
Let's move to deploy action. Firstly, we make a new deploy script in scripts directory for TokenRoot contract.
import { Address, getRandomNonce, toNano, zeroAddress } from "locklift"
import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"
async function main() {
const signer = (await locklift.keystore.getSigner("0"))!
// Address of initial token supply recipient (write your own)
const initialSupplyTo = new Address("0:7542...")
// Address of token owner (write your own)
const rootOwner = new Address("0:7542...")
// Name of the token
const name = "First Venom Token"
// Symbol of the token
const symbol = "FVT"
// How many token will be issued instantly after deploy
const initialSupply = 0
// The number of decimals the token uses
const decimals = 18
// If `true`, disables token minting
const disableMint = false
// If `true`, disables token burning by root
const disableBurnByRoot = false
// If `true`, pauses token burning
const pauseBurn = false
Returns compilation artifacts based on the .sol file name
or name from value config.externalContracts[pathToLib].
const TokenWallet = locklift.factory.getContractArtifacts("TokenWallet")
Deploy the TIP-3 Token Root contract.
@params deployWalletValue: Along with the deployment of the root token,
the wallet will be automatically deployed to the owner.
This is the amount of EVERs that will be sent to the wallet.
const { contract: tokenRoot } = await locklift.factory.deployContract({
contract: "TokenRoot",
publicKey: signer.publicKey,
initParams: {
deployer_: zeroAddress, // this field should be zero address if deploying with public key (see source code)
randomNonce_: getRandomNonce(),
rootOwner_: rootOwner,
name_: name,
symbol_: symbol,
decimals_: decimals,
walletCode_: TokenWallet.code,
constructorParams: {
initialSupplyTo: initialSupplyTo,
initialSupply: new BigNumber(initialSupply).shiftedBy(decimals).toFixed(),
deployWalletValue: toNano(1),
mintDisabled: disableMint,
burnByRootDisabled: disableBurnByRoot,
burnPaused: pauseBurn,
remainingGasTo: zeroAddress,
value: toNano(5),
console.log(`${name}: ${tokenRoot.address}`)
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(e => {
Finally, we can deploy a new token to local network. For this, make sure local node is running, if not follow the next command
docker run -d --name local-node -e USER_AGREEMENT=yes -p80:80 tonlabs/local-node
and run the deploy script
npx locklift run -s ./scripts/01-deploy-token.ts -n local
> Found 1 sources
> factorySource generated
> Built
> First Venom Token: 0:69f2407386ca20390878565da97124be717f65496cb03e14aaa676709a6ccb2b
Congratulations, your first token on the Venom network has been deployed!