Open a terminal inside the base directory of your project. Inside the folder, follow the command
npm i everscale-inpage-provider --save
Connecting to the Venom Wallet
The first thing we need to do is make sure that the wallet is installed in a browser
import { ProviderRpcClient } from 'everscale-inpage-provider';
const ever = new ProviderRpcClient();
async function myApp() {
if (!(await ever.hasProvider())) {
* Handle this case by showing the user a link to the Venom extension
throw new Error('Extension is not installed');
and check if it is connected
const ever = new ProviderRpcClient({
* Fallback function which will be called if injected provider was not found.
fallback: () => {}
async function myApp() {
* Waits until provider API will be available.
* Calls `fallback` if no provider was found
* @throws ProviderNotFoundException when no provider is found
await ever.ensureInitialized();
Next, we need to request permission to get account info and interaction with it